MORGAN CITY, La. (BP) — Hurricane Francine made landfall Wednesday night, hitting the Louisiana coast in Terrebonne Parish, with Morgan City facing particularly bad damage. Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR), with help from Send Relief, has been assessing and preparing to send volunteer teams to bring help and hope... read more
WINDER, Ga. (BP) — As the residents of Barrow County, and especially the students at Apalachee High School, deal with the aftermath of last week’s school shooting, Georgia Baptist churches are working together to provide support... read more
PHILADELPHIA (BP) — Generation Z, the first to grow up with smartphones and tablets, is the most fearful and anxious of any age, the American Bible Society (ABS) said in its latest release from the 2024 State of the Bible... read more
SOUTH SUDAN (BP) — The Muslim Sudanese refugee said he was the richest man in his village before he lost all he owned. “I’ve lost everything, but I know it was good because now I found God,” he told Zach Potts of Empower One, a Send Relief partner serving Sudanese refugees... read more
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (BP) — Visiting a friend outside his hometown of Gloucester, England, in the late 1700s, Robert Raikes encountered children cursing, gambling and fighting in the streets. He was horrified, but a local woman told him it was even worse on Sundays, the children’s one day off each week from the factory... read more
‘Pray for transformation of our nation,’ Ukraine seminary leader implores
Reports indicate increased cost of ministry, from homes to hires
Tennessee pastor and wife die due to car accident
USCIRF: Tagging global religious freedom violators has not led to much change
Illinois Baptists lose religious freedom case, expect to appeal
Since its founding, the Biblical Recorder has sought to serve as a trusted news source for N.C. Baptists... read more
In the summer of 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade after five long decades... read more
As a fellow church member, I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the pastors in my life who have devoted countless hours to equip me to do the work of ministry... read more